Weigela Pink Queen
It look essentailly like midnight wine and wine and roses except this one grows intermediate in size to 3 feet. Funnel shaped rose pink flowers each to 1 25 long bloom profusely in spring with a sparse and scattered repeat bloom often occurring in mid to late summer.
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Available in better garden centers in spring 2018. Weigela may also be planted in light shade flowering will not be as abundant but blooms will. Elliptic to obovate medium green leaves to 4 5 long with serrate margins retain good color throughout the growing season. Czechmark twopink represents the most incredible pink color on any weigela we ve seen every bloom is a rich deep pink that creates a memorable late spring display year after year after year. Weigela puts on a show of red or pink blooms in the early summer and fades into the background as the seasons change.Not sure they are getting enough full sunlight. 21 september 2017 weigela is a flowering garden perennial shrub that throws out a profusion of pink red or white blooms throughout the spring and summer. Weigela is an excellent spring blooming shrub that can add flair and color to your spring garden. They are a bit in the shade. They are about 3 years old and look healthy.
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