(Gratuit) Spirea Japonica Candlelight
In summer flat sprays of rosy pink flowers grace the tips of the branches. Shirobana spirea spiraea japonica shirobana sku 7128.
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collection Spirea japonica candlelight gratuit
Spiraea japonica commonly called japanese spirea is a dense upright mounded deciduous shrub that typically grows 4 6 tall with a slightly larger spread leaves to 3 long are oval and sharply toothed. Grow in moist free draining soil ideally in full sun. Other common names japanese spirea candlelight family rosaceae genus spiraea are deciduous shrubs sometimes suckering with simple leaves and short racemes panicles or corymbs of small 5 petalled white or pink flowers in spring or summer. The compact bushy habit makes it an excellent plant for the smalle. The spiraea japonica species includes the greatest range of cultivars available to the home gardener within the spiraea genus.A small deciduous shrub with bright green leaves on slender stems that are blanketed with white pink and red bloom clusters in the summer. Banks and slopes cottage informal beds and borders low maintenance. Tiny pink flowers in flat topped clusters corymbs cover the foliage from late spring to mid summer with sparse and intermittent repeat bloom sometimes. Candlelight spirea features soft buttery yellow new growth that becomes a rich yellow as the pinkish purple flowers begin to bloom in june. Spiraea japonica candlelight the young growth is a truly distinctive soft buttery yellow gradually turning to a richer yellow which makes an excellent foil to the pink flowers in mid summer.
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