(Gratuit) Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus White
The blue blossom ceanothus ceanothus thyrsiflorus is an evergreen shrub that is native to california. It is in the rhamnaceae buckthorn family.
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The blue or white blossoms will attract butterflies and birds. Snow flurry is a wonderful selection of ceanothus from the central california coastline. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus millerton point snow flurries evergreen white californian lilac. Flowers may range from blue to white in 7 5 cm spike like clusters. The myth of ceanothus being short lived is primarily spread by incompetent gardeners that insist on drip irrigation summer water and soil amendments.Free flowering lovely foliage ease of cultivation drought and salt tolerance. Broadleaf evergreen shrub 4 12 ft 1 2 4 m stiff upright. Leaves alternate simple glossy green to 5 cm long three prominent veins on the underside tip obtuse to acute margin sometimes gland toothed. Photo credit walter siegmund. California wild lilac portland nursery.
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