(Free) Sarcococca Ruscifolia Vs Confusa
Genus sarcococca are compact sometimes suckering evergreen shrubs with simple leathery leaves and tiny fragrant creamy white flowers in winter or spring followed by red purple or black berries which may persist into the following winter. Design ideasfragrance makes this an important shrub around windows doors and outdoor living areas.
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ensemble Sarcococca ruscifolia vs confusa gratuit
It also grows a bit larger to 5 x 5. Will grow in sun or shade in well drained not too dry soil. It is unusual that female flowers on the same branch may have either 2 or 3 stigmas. Sarcococca confusa is also known as sweet box or christmas box. According to sunset western garden book s.Ruscifolia has red berries rather than black. Apparently confusa is often sold as ruscifolia and yes you too can be a victim of sloppy labeling. Sarcococca ruscifolia is like in almost every way to s. Ruscifolia although they are similar in appearance s. Announcing their presence with their incredible sweet vanilla fragrance tiny ivory white flowers appear in late winter to early spring somewhat hidden among the dense foliage of glossy slightly rippled dark green leaves.
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