(Download) Viburnum Plicatum F Tomentosum Kilimanjaro
Genus viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small often fragrant white or pink flowers followed by red blue or black berries details kilimanjaro sunrise is a compact slow growing shrub with heart shaped dark green deeply veined leaves. It produces an abundance of pure white flowers in attractive clusters from early summer followed by pink red berries in late summer to early autumn.
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Viburnum plicatum f tomentosum kilimanjaro complet gratuit
Pyramidal habit which makes it suitable for containers or hedging. Viburnum plicatum tomentosum mariesii sku 7406 the broadly rounded form on this medium sized deciduous shrub supports tiered horizontal branches that display the magnificent large white lacecap flower clusters creating a stunning show in spring. Plicatum translates as pleated referring to the dense sequential hanging leaf arrangement from the stems. The pleated green foliage may develop fall color in some regions. Viburnum plicatum kilimanjaro sunrise commonly known as japanese snowball rhs chelsea plant of the year 2015.Tomentosum mariesii in moist but well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Tomentosum kilimanjaro is a new and hardy award winning shrub. Grows in most moderately fertile humus rich moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Its flowers produce red fruit in mid to late summer. The common name doublefile viburnum comes from the arrangement of the flowers inflorescence that extend the entire length of the branch in two opposite rows doublefile.
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