Spirea Japonica Snoeien
Snoeien als spirea billiardii. Het blad is eirond enigszins leerachtig sterk gerimpeld en tot 3 cm lang.
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I bought 2 of these and planted them in an area that gets full afternoon sun. Je houdt de struik in de hand en zorgt voor jong. Spiraea japonica japanese spiraea this plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below this plant may be known by one or more common names in different places and some are listed above. Obovate to elliptic leaves to 1 1 4 long are dark green above but blue green beneath with round toothed apices. It is native to the island of shikoku japan.My local nursery carried this spirea variety for the first time last spring 2018. It adds easy season long color to gardens with very little effort. It blooms with showy plumes of white flowers in. Leaves to 3 long are oval and sharply toothed. They are a low height spreading shrub which worked well in.
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