Dark Leaf Azalea
Azalea lacebug upper surface of leaves has a gray blanched or coarse stippled appearance. Azalea gall this azalea disease commonly occurs in early spring on new leaf growth.
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1 overly dry soil caused by the soil around the roots or root ball if newly planted of your azalea being too dry for too long before receiving water again or. Affected leaves eventually turn brown and should be removed and destroyed. Cases of severe infection may result in early leaf drop reducing the general health of the plant. Black branches are the result of mold growing on the honeydew excreted by this azalea pest. Blackened branches covered by a sticky soot and white cottony fluffs in the crotches of the lower branches are all symptoms of one of the most dreaded of azalea diseases.If so the cause of the browning leaves on your azaleas could be. Spray undersides of the leaves with malathion dimethoate cygon or acephate orthene. Do the leaves of your azaleas look something like this. The undersides of the leaves become discolored by excrement and cast skins. The leaves become curled fleshy and pale green to white.
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