(Download) Viburnum Rhytidophyllum Pruning
Viburnum rhytidophyllum grows 6 to 10 feet tall and wide. Viburnum rhytidophyllum leatherleaf viburnum is a large evergreen shrub of upright habit with very long glossy heavily veined dark green leaves adorned with gray undersides.
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collection Viburnum rhytidophyllum pruning gratuit
Prune an overgrown out of control leatherleaf viburnum to the ground in late winter before it starts growing. A three year hard pruning routine will turn the viburnum into the showy shrub it was meant to be. In southern areas give it a spot where it receives afternoon shade. However it never hurts to practice occasional viburnum pruning each year to maintain shape and overall beauty. Nonetheless leatherleaf viburnum is a shrub for spacious landscapes where winter low temperatures don t drop below minus 10 to minus 15 degrees fahrenheit which kills the buds and stems.How to prune a leatherleaf viburnum. On average viburnum shrubs need relatively little pruning. Cut a third of the old branches. You can tuck it into full sun or part shade. Cut stems back to the parent branches where.
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