(Télécharger) Euonymus Fortunei Yellow
Its forest green color is set off by bright yellow variegation. Noted for its cheerful variegated foliage euonymus fortunei gold splash wintercreeper is a low growing broadleaf evergreen shrub with a compact mounding habit.
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Initial symptoms of euonymus scale infestation are yellow spots on leaves. Same sprawling growth habit as euonymus f. It forms a dense bushy mat of large glossy round soft green leaves adorned with broad golden yellow edges. This is the only variety that features the green and gold leaf pattern. Euonymus fortunei is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant with numerous cultivars selected for such traits as yellow variegated and slow dwarfed growth.The following cultivars have gained the royal horticultural society s award of garden merit. This variety has plain green leaves. Compact growth to 4 feet high 33 feet wide with light green yellow edged leaves. Golden yellow leaves have irregular green edges. Golden euonymus euonymus japonicus aureo marginatus is another eye popping shrub in this genus that makes an excellent addition to the landscape.
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