(Liste) Cytisus Eva
An upright form to 8 tall. The vivid golden yellow broom of late spring relishing poor acidic soils and coping with windy coastal sites.
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Burkwoodii an upright form with red brown flowers. In britain and ireland the standard name is broom 3 4 5 but this name is also used for other members of the genisteae tribe such as french broom or spanish broom and the term common broom is sometimes used for clarification. Cytisus dallimorei multiflorus scoparius broom. Sister golden hair is not your typical scotch broom. Andreanus a bicolor with red and yellow petals.Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. The species is hermaphrodite has both male and female organs and is pollinated by bees. The plant is not self fertile. Sarothamnus scoparius is a perennial leguminous shrub native to western and central europe. It is hardy to zone uk 5 and is not frost tender.
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