(Gratuit) Geometric Kufic Calligraphy
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Téléchargement gratuit أسماء الله الحسنى بخط كوفى هندسى Islamic Art Calligraphy
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Islamic geometric calligraphy by shakil akram khan. Kufic script is composed of geometrical forms like straight lines and angles along with verticals and horizontals. Square kufic has only one strict rule. Mar 14 2020 islamic canvas wall art arabic calligraphy allahuakbar kufic mar 14 2020 islamic canvas wall art arabic calligraphy allahuakbar kufic stay safe and healthy. Originally kufic did not have what is known as a differentiated consonant which means for example that the letters t b and th were not distinguished by diacritical marks and looked the same.Combination of calligraphy and geometry the minaret of the royal mosque in ispahan and the basic module making up its decoration photo by patrick ringgenberg clever design where the black and white spaces both spell allah basic of square kufic one rule. Kūfic script in calligraphy earliest extant islamic style of handwritten alphabet that was used by early muslims to record the qurʾān. See more ideas about islamic calligraphy islamic art calligraphy and islamic art. This angular slow moving dignified script was also used on tombstones and coins as well as for inscriptions on buildings. The names of allah in the calligraphy kufi geometric when writing the beautiful names of god in kufic font especially geometric you have to use tools and shapes geometric to give the form of writing distinctive and beautiful the kufic geometric line is characterized as straight although flexible and soft but it is very straight in the form of letters.
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