(Téléchargement Gratuit) Caryopteris Barbe Bleue
Plant database entry for bluebeard caryopteris x clandonensis la barbe bleue with 2 images and 30 data details. Caryopteris clandonensis grand bleu blue mist shrub dec z5 cut hon bfly the same deep blue flowers as heavenly blue but over a longer summer bloom period and on a plant half the size.
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To 2 3 high wide now everyone can enjoy it even in a container or small yard. On oct 17 2006 gardenworksva from ruckersville va wrote. Caryopteris x clandonensis commonly called bluebeard blue spirea or blue mist is a low mounded deciduous shrub that is valued for its aromatic foliage and late summer flowers which are said to resemble clouds of blue smoke or mist. Enjoy the rare blue color from late summer to fall. I love the blue color of most of the varieties and recently saw that there is a soft pink color of a new variety this year.Great plant have had it over 3 years cut it back in late winter and it starts to get yellow or green leaves it in spring grows back to a medium size bush with purple blue buds on it in early summer to fall so awesome. Clandonensis hybrids typically produce about 18 30 of growth per year so total shrub height usually from 2 3 depends in large part upon the extent of winter dieback and or the annual spring pruning. Fragrant shiny yellow foliage adds a warm glow to the landscape throughout summer. Perfect for use in the mixed border or perennial beds. The neat and compact habit makes it a great container plant and.
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