(Download) Mock Orange Blossom Shrub
This improved mock orange hybrid blooms profusely during may and june. Very fragrant double white flowers 2 inches across adorn each slender gracefully erect branch.
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They even make excellent cut flowers indoors. They prefer evenly moist soil especially during summer. 1 1 2 2 foot plants. The dense green foliage provides the perfect backdrop for the masses of creamy white blooms which appear in summer. Mockorange is a very hardy shrub with long lasting citrus fragrant white blooms in the late spring to early summer.The mockorange shrub is most appreciated for its fragrant scent and therefore best used in an area adjacent to a driveway walkway or patio where the scent can easily be encountered. Regarded as one of the most fragrant of all mock oranges philadelphus avalanche is a multi stemmed deciduous shrub of great beauty when in bloom. In late spring to early summer its pleasantly arching branches bear clusters of cup shaped 4 petaled white flowers 1 in across 2 5 cm at their tips. Varieties of mock orange shrubs aurea is a compact 8 to 10 feet high cultivar with golden leaves. Plant in well drained soil preferably amended with loam and organic matter.
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