(Téléchargement Gratuit) Dwarf Yaupon Holly Topiary
Leaves are not concolorous and tend to be much darker on top than beneath. Only subtle differences can separate these two distinct species.
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groupe Dwarf yaupon holly topiary gratuit
Like many other hollies yaupon holly ilex vomitoria is an evergreen shrub or tree that is loved for the colorful berries it produces on the female plants. Bordeaux dwarf yaupon holly. Low growth habit makes this an excellent choice for a low border plant. It produces tiny non showy flowers in spring. This pretty plant is native to the edge.It is a very durable shrub that grows well in sun or shade and is often used in groupings or as a low hedge border or massing. Dwarf yaupon holly nana ilex vomitoria grows 4 to 7 feet tall when pruned infrequently and. Ideally suited as a low growing foundation plant dwarf yaupon holly is also excellent as a tall ground cover for a large scale commercial or industrial landscape. From a distance japanese holly and dwarf yaupon holly appear almost identical. As mentioned dwarf yaupon hollies are immensely popular for use as formal hedges and topiary shapes.
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