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Long 5 cm which turn reddish purple in fall and winter. Tento nenáročný listnatý keříček z čeledi celastraceae jesencovité je totiž dekorativní po celý rok na zimu neopadává a záhony zdobí svými svěžími listy i v. This option is relatively easy to find grows quickly and can withstand traffic well. Les feuilles sont vert foncé et il possède une croissance extrêmement vigoureuse. The green and golden leaved varieties provide a classic but colorful look for the garden.Extremely hardy euonymus fortunei coloratus purple wintercreeper is an evergreen trailing vine that quickly forms a dense weed smothering ground cover. The experts at lowe s like euonymus fortunei in yards with pets because it is tough to destroy and can grow in either shade or sun. Which spreads quickly via underground runners to form a dense carpet of glossy green leaves that retain their color throughout winter. C est une plante idéal pourcouvrir des partie vide ou un peu solitaire du jardin. A number of years ago before i knew much about groundcovers and things like native plants i planted purple wintercreeper euonymus euonymus fortunei coloratus in my front yard.
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