(Liste) Caryopteris Bleu
Attractive to butterflies bees and other beneficial insects they contrast nicely with the large glossy dark green aromatic leaves with silvery underneath. Here s how to grow yours.
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Ces fleurs décoratives mesurent de 3 à 5 mm de diamètre elles sont portées par des tiges bien dressées. The neat and compact habit makes it a great container plant and garden specimen. Caryopteris grand bleu is a drought tolerant deciduous shrub and virtually maintenance free. Le caryopteris x clandonensis grand bleu est un arbuste à port touffu et arrondi qui croit rapidement. Fragrant shiny yellow foliage adds a warm glow to the landscape throughout summer.Blooms on new wood. Dark green glossy foliage covers its tight compact form. Perfect for perennial beds or fall plantings. Blue mist shrub or caryopteris is a late flowering blue shrub that attracts butterflies and bumblebees by the dozens. Blooming heavily over a long season caryopteris x clandonensis minbleu bluebeard or petit bleu is a small deciduous shrub of tight and compact habit with rich sky blue flowers in late summer through fall.
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