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(Télécharger) Spirea Japonica Feuille

Leaves to 3 long are oval and sharply toothed. Noteworthy characteristics spiraea japonica commonly called japanese spirea is a dense upright mounded deciduous shrub that typically grows 4 6 tall with a slightly larger spread.

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This compact low mounded plant has vibrant golden foliage and an abundance of pure pink summer flowers. Double play spiraea has both bright flowers and colorful foliage. Leaves to 3 long are oval and sharply toothed. Like hydrangea rhododendron and lilac spirea or spiraea has joined the ranks as one of the most popular flowering shrubs for the home garden. Noted for its gorgeous spring blooms and brilliant fall color spiraea prunifolia bridal wreath is an upright clumping deciduous shrub with gracefully arching branches.

I bought 2 of these and planted them in an area that gets full afternoon sun. Le spiraea japonica shirobana rebaptisée par les botanistes spiraea japonica genpei également appelée spirée japonaise ou spiraea x bumalda genpei et une petite spirée basse à feuillage clair et à croissance compacte. Their long lasting blooms and ability to serve a variety of landscape functions from mass plantings and perennial borders to groundcovers and. Cette evergreen produit de belles fleurs roses de mai à juillet en particulier lorsqu ils sont plantés en plein soleil. My local nursery carried this spirea variety for the first time last spring 2018.

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