(Téléchargement Gratuit) Ribes Sanguineum Ooreka
Soil moist but well drained soil. Will thrive in a sheltered or exposed spot.
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Flowering currant or red flowering currant is a species in the grossulariaceae currants and gooseberries family that is native to western coastal north america from central british columbia south to central california. The showy flowers in the spring provide nectar to hummingbirds and attract butterflies. The drooping clusters of light to deep pink flowers are one of the first things to bloom here in the pacific northwest happily corresponding to the time when hummingbirds are in migration to their eventual summer breeding grounds. Ribes claremont bursts into glorious mouth watering display beginning in february and lasting thru april. Ribes sanguineum le groseillier sanguin à fleurs parfois appelé cassis fleur est l espèce la plus couramment cultivée dans nos jardins.Hardiness zone h6 hardy down to 15degrees. Il est l une des 150 espèces appelée ribes nigrum en référence à la couleur des fruits du genre ribes qui comprend ses cousins le groseillier ribes rubrum et le groseillier à maquereau ribes uva crispa mais aussi des espèces ornementales comme le groseillier à fleurs ribes sanguineum. This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. To 8 tall and 4 across with a pleasant vase shaped habit and handsome maple like leaves it can be pruned back to 4 tall between may and september. Ribes sanguineum is a great choice for either restoration or landscaping near the home.
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